
Showing posts from February, 2018


IDE's When we write a program, we use a software package that makes writing the program easily. An IDE is a program that we use to program a program! Common Features of an IDE: - Code Editor: Area in IDE which allows you to enter code. It formats the program so it is easier to understand. Adds colour to the code and does things such as indentation. - Error Diagnostics: Displays pop ups and places cursor where errors occur in the program. Such as syntax errors. Displays before program actually runs. -  Run Time Environment:   Allows program to run whilst still in development to check for logical errors etc. - Compiler: Converts program (source code) to machine code so it can be run on the computer. - Auto Documentation: Records errors that have occurred during programming so they can be referenced when updates are being carried out later. 

Data Types

Integer - whole number. For example: 4. Real/Float - a decimal number. For example: 4.2 Boolean - True or False. For example: Yes or No. Character - a single letter, number or symbol. For example: 'a' or '2'. String - a collection of alphanumerical data stored together within speech marks. For example: a sentence.

List Entry Programming Challenge (Python)

The challenge: A flow chart plan for the solution: My Solution:  

Program Testing Strategies

Programs need to be tested to check it works fully and meets the desired requirements. Different testing strategies are used to discover any bugs or errors in coding. Black Box Testing  Only looks at inputs and outputs of the program. Does not consider how program works or how efficient it is. You are testing that when you input, that you get an expected output. If you get an expected output, the test has passed. Any other output, the test has failed. White Box Testing Test actual algorithm in code to check every part of the code works. The focus in this testing every single path of execution in program is testing. How efficient the code is also matters. Alpha & Beta Testing Where the completed program as a whole is tested. When program is nearly complete. Often used by video games developers when there games are almost ready for release. Alpha testing is usually done on employees of the company and maybe friends and family too. At this stage there are probably q

Development Methodologies

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) 1) Is the problem actually feasible/solvable? Any problems? Is there any point even starting if it is not going to work? 2) Requirements - analyse what the user actually wants the proposed system to do. Results in requirement specification document. 3) Analysis and Design - Work out how requirements are going to be completed. Includes: mock upped screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudocode etc. 4) Implementation - programmers actually write code. 5) Testing - program used in testing environment for bugs and errors, correction made. 6) Evaluation - Check the user is happy with the work done and that all requirements have been met. If not, explanations to why will be issued. 7) Maintenance - any changes, corrections, updates to software whilst it is being used throughout its life. Examples of SDLC: - Waterfall Model : each phase has defined start and end point. - Advantages: simple, easy to manage, well defined ex