Utility Software

Computer security
  • Anti-virus - Scans/analysing your system to check for virus’ on a regular basis, if it identifies a virus that it knows of (in its database) it will remove it from the system.
  • Spyware protection - Scans user files, checks for damage caused by installed spyware to the system and analyses domain names that potentially contain spyware. They then remove or warn the user about issues.  
  • Firewall - use to prevent specific network packets making it onto a network. These may be blocking people from accessing certain websites or from certain files from being downloaded/uploaded.

Disk organisation
  • Defragmenter - rearranges files stored on the hard drive so related files are stored together. This makes it easier for the CPU to find files easier to find and results in much faster performance.
  • File transfer - software designed to transfer content from one device to another. Either done from one piece of hardware to another using physical cables or done using FTP software over the internet.
  • Formatter - helps to structure file storage devices such as hard drives to a format in which certain computers will understand. Such as MacOS or windows.
System maintenance

  • System information and diagnosis - displays information about the system which can help if a computer needs maintenance or repair.
  • System clean-up - finds unnecessary files/data that are not required for the functioning of the computer and removes them to save space.
  • Automatic updating - checks and installs updates automatically for the user without them knowing which saves time and keeps things running smoothly.


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