JavaScript Coding Basics

Setting Up Document

To set up a section of document for JavaScript "<script>" tags must be placed around the JS code:

[JavaScript Code Here]

Outputting Messages On Screen

Displaying Messages on a web page can be done by using "document.write":


document.write("Hello World");


If you want an alert pop up box to display above the browser window, "alert" can be used:


alert("Hello World");


Accepting Inputs

If you want to accept data that has not been hard coded, a form with "input id" can be used:


Enter data here
<input id="userInput", type="string", name="userString">
[a button that saves or outputs the data would be required here]



Variables can be set up and used using command "var" (followed by what you want the variable to be):


var i = "hello";




Arrays can be stored in variables, similar to python:


var typesOfCar = ["Audi", "BMW", "VW", "Seat"]


For Loops

For loops can be used to repeat section of code without having to write the line over and over again, outputting the contents of a array is a good example. To output the array above, instead of having to write:


var typesOfCar = ["Audi", "BMW", "VW", "Seat"]



you could write:


for (i = 0; i < typesOfCar.length; i++) {
cars+= typescOfCar[i] + "<br>";




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